The Australian wine community’s biggest gathering is just around the corner. The Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference (AWITC) and Trade Exhibition will be held in Adelaide July 24-28. AWITC has been held every three years since 1970 and combines an extensive program of plenary sessions, workshops, posters, student forum and social events with the industry’s most respected and extensive trade exhibition.
With 62% of Australia’s grape and wine research capability based right here at the Waite in the Wine Innovation Cluster (WIC), a significant amount of Waite-based work will feature at this year’s AWITC from across the WIC Partners.
AWRI, CSIRO and SARDI research into the importance of soil microbial diversity, what makes Australian terroir unique and the impact of climate change on terroir will feature on the second morning of the conference.
Vineyard health and diversity including genetic diversity of grape varieties and disease resistance research from SARDI and AWRI researchers here at Waite will also be presented. An AWRI study looking at the development of new tools to test the authenticity of wines is also on the program.
The Fresh Science program at AWITC selects the most exciting new science from all the poster abstracts submitted. These scientists will showcase the most exciting recent grape and wine research – fresh from the lab or field site to you. Many Waite projects from across the Waite Partners will be featured in this year’s Fresh Science sessions covering topics such as vine balance, in-mouth flavour release, sparkling wine composition, grape quality and extending the shelf life of wine.
See the conference website ( for more details about the AWITC and view the full conference program here.