Wine Innovation Cluster

LOCATION: Wine Innovation Central Building, cnr Hartley Grove & Paratoo Road, Waite Campus, Urrbrae

Who We Are

The WIC is a partnership of four leading Australian grape and wine research agencies. Based on the Waite Campus, the WIC strives to build collaboration and create synergies in research and development across the co-located partner organisations for the benefit of Australia’s multi-billion dollar wine industry.

Collectively, the WIC partners cover the entire grape and wine research, development and extension spectrum and the WIC is continuously exploring opportunities for collaborative research projects. Since it was established in 2008, the WIC partners have worked on more than 35 collaborative projects that have attracted $27m+ external funding; strong industry partnerships on many of them attest to their relevance.

The WIC is governed by senior representatives from the four WIC partners, industry representatives, and an independent Chair which seek to develop and implement the long-term vision for WIC, and promote the success and capability of the WIC collaborations.

Synergy in Grape & Wine Research

With extensive research facilities on the Waite Campus in Adelaide, world-leading personnel and networks right around the globe, the WIC delivers results effectively and efficiently. Between them, the co-located partners possess more than 60% of Australian research, development, extension and education capabilities over the whole of the grape and wine value chain.

The WIC partners are:

The WIC is also engaged with a number of other networks and organisations, including the National Wine Research Network and the National Wine & Grape Industry Centre in Wagga Wagga, NSW. All four WIC partners are also members of the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Innovative Wine Production.

Collaboration in Action

As a collaborative cluster, our philosophy is simple: in collaboration, we can achieve results for our stakeholders that would not be possible working as standalone agencies.

The collaborative ideals do not stop with the cluster partners. Each of them bring a substantial network of local, national and international links to the table, further enhancing the cluster’s ability to deliver on its mission and furthering their influence in the broader scientific community.

For industry and investors this means

  • research effectiveness not before possible through the multi-disciplinary approach.
  • delivery of end-user outcomes in shorter times.
  • a single, efficient interface with the research community.

Supporting research and commercial projects, WIC also established WIC Winemaking Services to support the Australian wine industry with high quality small- and pilot-scale winemaking. More information can be found about this service on the WIC Winemaking Services page.

To foster collaboration WIC hosts the Crush symposium which is a forum for researchers and industry professionals to share the latest in wine and grape science knowledge.

WIC Research Group

Dr Christine Böttcher (Chair)     


Prof Paul Petrie  


Prof Kerry Wilkinson         

University of Adelaide

Dr Markus Herderich      

Australian Wine Research Institute

Ms Cerys Colquhoun    

WIC Executive Officer

Partner Details

  • Wine Innovation Cluster
  • T. +61 8 8313 6600
  • E.
  • A. Wine Innovation Central Building, cnr Hartley Grove & Paratoo Road, Waite Campus, Urrbrae – View on google map


  • AFW HDR Symposium

    Save the date for AFW's yearly symposium!

    Sep 17, 8:00 am - Sep 18, 5:00 pm

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