Meet the people of Waite

Location: Waite Research Precinct, Urrbrae SA 5064

There are roughly 1,500 people on the Waite campus – from students to professors, technicians to human resource managers, and even volunteers. They work and study across a range of campus partner organisations.

This series of articles will introduce you to some members of the Waite community – who they are, what they do, and why it matters!

Be Curious Science Series

Be Curious is a three episode Science Series on Channel 44 – don’t miss out on Waite Researcher Jenny Mortimer this Sunday. Read more here.

Waite represented at Italian celebration

Dr Roberta De Bei, Professor Matt Gilliham and Dr Caterina Selva attended the Adelaide celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Italian Republic.

Meet the people of Waite: Eleanor Behrens

Eleanor Behrens is the Director of the Waite Campus Childrens Centre which provides an education and care service for children aged 3 months – 4 years.

Meet the people of Waite: Bianca Kyriacou

Meet the people of Waite: Bianca Kyriacou

Bianca talks to thousands of school students every year in her role as Why Waite manager and outreach coordinator for the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine here at the Waite campus

Meet the People of Waite: Margaret Cargill

Meet the People of Waite: Margaret Cargill

Margaret Cargill is an Applied Linguist and Adjunct Senior Lecturer who has a passion for giving novice scientist authors a way to effectively write papers that will get a respectful reading from referees

Meet the People of Waite: Yuriy Onyskiv

Meet the People of Waite: Yuriy Onyskiv

Yuriy Onyskiv is a Technical Assistant who has helped build many of the polytunnels, irrigation systems and bird-proof enclosures on Campus. He emigrated from the Ukraine over 12 years ago and also plays the cimbalom!

Meet the people of Waite: John Carragher

Meet the people of Waite: John Carragher

Dr John Carragher has worked on projects ranging from marine biology, to stress physiology, to value adding and improving product outcomes across a range of food types.

Meet the people of Waite: Caterina Selva

Meet the people of Waite: Caterina Selva

This series of articles will introduce you to some members of the Waite community – who they are, what they do, and why it matters! In this article, meet PhD candidate Caterina Selva.

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