Women of Waite Network

Providing a forum for women to connect, share, inspire and be inspired

The Waite Research Precinct is full of inspiring women! They are everywhere – working across all disciplines and all the campus partner organisations.

The concept of a Women of Waite (WoW) group or network has been floated on and off for some time, and the strong response to a call-out for those interested in early 2018 is confirmation that it is supported and wanted.

An initial workshop was held on Friday 23 March 2018 to define what the purpose of WoW should be and desired outcomes. Approximately 40 women from across the campus attended this POW WoW (Planning and Organising Workshop for Women of Waite).

Goals and objectives of the WoW Network

  1. To provide both social and professional support
  2. To reinvigorate the Waite culture
  3. To be allies for each other and promote an inclusive work environment
  4. To raise the Waite profile, particularly in terms of inspiring girls and young women to pursue a career in STEM.

WoW will seek to achieve these goals through:

  • Communication networks for increased cooperation and more effective dialogue across the Waite through new, and more effective use of existing, communication channels.
  • Information exchange to ensure stronger community awareness of the research and contributions of the women of Waite.
  • Engagement resulting in a stronger, more supported community across the Waite Research Precinct, reducing feelings of isolation and providing a voice for women at all career stages.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently experiencing some issues with the sign up page being accessible to people outside the University of Adelaide network. If you get an error when you click on the sign up button below, please email jenna.malone@adelaide.edu.au to sign up.

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PEOPLE OF WAITE: Meet Dr. Tatiana Soares da Costa

Get to know Dr Tatiana Soares da Costa. An Australian Research Council Future Fellow and the Head of the Herbicide and Antimicrobial Innovation Laboratory at The University of Adelaide’s Waite campus and so much more.


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