Due to the success of last year’s program, the Waite Research Institute will again be providing a Peer Mentoring for Grant and Fellowship Success program for early and mid-career researchers (EMCRs). The purpose of the program is to provide a facilitated, structured, peer-mentoring program over three months for EMCRs where you can either observe or have a substantially crafted grant, fellowship or other written application ready by the end of the program. All participants will have the opportunity to work on your publication metrics, peer mentoring and collaborative/networking opportunities.
The program will consist of 3 x ½ day peer-mentoring workshops facilitated by Maria Gardiner from iThinkWell (www.ithinkwell.com.au).
Session 1: Introduce yourself and your research (July 2022 – Wednesday 27th July 1-4pm OR Thursday 4th August 9.30am-12.30pm )
If you are not sure of your competitiveness or what things you can apply for this is a great opportunity to receive feedback and support from peers (both early career and more mid career people who will be attending).
Session 2: Working on your profile/presentation of track record (September 2022)
It is often very hard to say good things about yourself and present yourself in the best possible light. We will talk about the latest metrics and what they mean as well as how to write the narrative of your track record. This is a great skill to learn regardless of what stage of career you are at.
Session 3: Finalising your application and narrative (November? TBC)
This session will discuss how to round off your application and make sure your narrative is sound and tight. Lack of a clear narrative is the most common reason for getting knocked out of a grant. Again, this is a great skill to learn as early as possible. And the best way to do this is to test your narrative with supportive and clever peers!
Please register your interest in the program by completing the Doodle Poll below and emailing Tina. Your participation and the workshop details will be confirmed by reply email. If you participated last year, please feel free to participate again. We have even more on offer with respect to metrics this year!
For more information: Please email tina.bianco@adelaide.edu.au
To register your interest in attending:
1) Complete the following Doodle poll for Session 1: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e76y1J8d
2) Forward your name and email address to tina.bianco@adelaide.edu.au