A message from Professor Laura Parry
I’m delighted to announce that Professor Matt Tucker has been appointed and commenced as the interim Director of the Waite Research Institute (WRI).
Matt’s appointment follows Professor Matt Gilliham’s decision to step down as WRI Director to start his new role as Director, ARC Centre of Excellence, Plants for Space. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Matt G for his outstanding work as Director WRI and wish him well in his new endeavour, to run the P4S Centre of Excellence.
Matt T has excelled as the Deputy Director of the WRI for the past 4 years, and has demonstrated a tremendous commitment to this role, contributing to strategic planning, external stakeholder engagement and interdisciplinary research across the University.
His extensive research expertise in plant reproduction, shoot growth and seed development is world renowned. He received his PhD from the University of Adelaide and CSIRO Plant Industry in 2003, undertook postdoctoral research as an EMBO fellow at the University of Freiburg in Germany, and subsequently joined the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls as a Senior Research Fellow. In 2015 he was awarded an ARC Future Fellowship at the University of Adelaide. He has been generously supported through grants from the ARC, SAGIT, GRDC, ARDC, EMBO, and EU, and has published over 90 research articles in scientific journals including Nature Plants, PNAS and Developmental Cell. He maintains a strong portfolio of industry-focused research, holding Chief Investigator roles in the UA-Coopers Malt Academy (2022-2027), an ARC Linkage Project (2022-2026) on cereal heat-tolerance, the ARC Training Centre for Future Crops Development (2021-2026) and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space (2023-2030).
Would you please join me in congratulating Matt on his appointment.
Professor Laura Parry