Want help with your written assignments? Having trouble getting started? Not sure if your writing is on the right track? Want to improve your skills? English not your first language?
Waite campus has a new Pop-Up Writing Centre!
You can book a 30-minute appointment with a writing mentor.
A writing mentor will:
- act as a first reader of your work
- ask lots of questions
- help you work out what you want to say, and
- build your skills in your ability to say it
The Pop-Up centre is not a ‘grammar checking’ or editing service. We are here to help you become a more confident and skilled writer.
Appointments are available every second Tuesday in semester one from 10am to 4pm in room G1B&G1A (Northern End Lirra Lirra). Students can book two appointments each semester
Appointments can be booked at the link below: