Collectively, the University of Adelaide (UoA) and PIRSA/SARDI have developed a Partnership Team to support improved collaboration in research, development, extension and innovation. The partnership complements each organisation’s strengths which are central to achieving strategic goals.
On Friday, 4 November, the Partnership team, spent a half day workshopping how we can better facilitate and grow primary industries research across industry, government and academia. The team walked away with a shared common goal: ‘To enable the delivery of globally recognised Primary Industries research’. Thank you to the team for positively participating and to our brilliant facilitator, Tanya Perry.
Special thanks to University of Adelaide’s Natalie Forde, Executive Director Business Development for supporting this workshop.
Pictured from left to right: Marco Krischer, Strategic Development Manager (UoA), Leanne Caught, Contracts Manager (SARDI), Linh Pham, Senior Research Grants Officer (UoA), Michelle Whittle, Senior Development and Partnerships Officer (UoA), Sally-Ann Anderson, Manager, Commercialisation and Partnerships (SARDI), Vanessa Beeke, Contracts Manager (SARDI), Kirsty Hartman, Research Grants & Partnerships Officer, (UoA).