As part of an initiative to attract graduates to a career in R&D, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), South Australian Grains Industry Trust (SAGIT), SARDI and the University of Adelaide, have combined to offer a 12-month research internship in applied grains R&D.
This is an opportunity to develop research skills and grains industry networks. SARDI conducts research in the following areas:
- Crop agronomy
- Pest and disease management
- Farming Systems
- Crop physiology
- Plant breeding
The research placements may be tailored to your specific interests and include opportunities to be involved in trials in regional South Australia. You will attend GRDC and SAGIT industry events e.g. Field days, GRDC Updates, and receive mentoring and professional development from SA’s leading research scientists.
Eligibility: Students who have completed a Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences or equivalent
Start date: 4 February 2019 (negotiable)
Salary: $61,519 – $75,161 per annum
To apply: All applications must be submitted online at
You will need a Covering Letter (no more than 3 pages) outlining your skills in relation to the Role Description and a current CV. Applications must include contact details of 3 current referees and a completed ‘Pre-Employment Declaration in the Public Sector form.
Applications due 11:45 pm Friday August 31, 2018

For more information please contact:
Dr Kathy Ophel Keller, SARDI
Phone: 08 8303 9368