To be held on Friday 13 April, 9am-4pm in the Plant Research Centre Auditorium
The inaugural Waite Research Institute “Roots and Rhizosphere Symposium 2018: Underground solutions for global challenges” aims to bring together root and soil biologists from across the Waite Campus including co-located partners and beyond. Higher degree research students, early and mid-career researchers to senior investigators interested in root and soil biology are invited to attend this symposium.
As we continue to face challenges in agriculture and crop improvement for an increasing global population, there are exciting opportunities for root research. Improving our understanding of root biology from the molecular to the whole systems level, is critical for developing crops with increased yields and enhanced food quality.
We face many important challenges in root biology that need to be addressed including abiotic stress, biotic stress and climate change. There is also huge potential for advances in understanding root-rhizosphere interactions; how can we utilise beneficial microbes and limit harmful pathogens for improving plant productivity.
The day will include a range of speakers and a panel discussion with morning tea and lunch provided. If you are interested in presenting at the symposium, please send an expression of interest (short paragraph and a provisional title) to Dr Megan Shelden ( by Thursday 1st March at the latest.
Please pass this on to others in your group that may also be interested. Once the program is finalised, we will open registrations so spread the word and save the date!
We hope this symposium will provide a platform to share our research, generate discussion and new ideas and, ultimately facilitate the establishment of new collaborations.