The FOODplus Research Centre is seeking females between the ages of 18 and 45 to participate in a research study.
We are looking for people who are in good health and not taking any nutritional supplements containing folate or vitamin B to take part in a cross-sectional study which aims to determine the average red cell folate status of Australian women. The study will involve attending one clinic appointment at University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus or SAHMRI North Terrace, where we will collect an overnight fasting blood sample and we will ask you to complete 3 questionnaires about your general health and normal diet.
The clinic appointment and completing the questionnaires is expected to take about 45 minutes. After the appointment, you will receive a meal voucher for the café located on campus, where you can get breakfast.
If you would like any additional information or would like to participate, please contact Shannon Hunt (
This study has been approved by The University of Adelaide HREC (H-2016-151)
With thanks, and hoping to hear from you.
Shannon Hunt
BFNSc(Hons), PhD Candidate
FOODplus Research Centre