Invitation to express your interest – supply of seed to researchers for experimental purposes.

The GRDC invites researchers who require seed of current commercial wheat and barley varieties to register their interest in receiving limited quantities of seed.

With the exception of NVT, GRDC-supported researchers must currently independently locate and acquire the seed needed for experimental purposes.

To minimise the associated risks and to provide further support to GRDC investments, the corporation will make available, on request, small quantities of seed (up to 5000 grams) of commercial wheat and barley varieties in 2019. The seed will be validated as meeting purity standards agreed to by GRDC and independently monitored / tested by GRDC nominated agents for varietal purity and germinability. The seed quality targets are purity above 98%, germination percentage greater than 85%, and zero tolerance for weeds, pests and diseases.

Eligibility criteria:

To be eligible to receive seed, projects / researchers must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a current GRDC-supported project with a completion date no earlier than June 2020.
  • Accept terms and conditions (included as part of the application). Click here to view (103kb, PDF).

How to apply:

To lodge an application to receive an allocation of seed:

  • Click on the appropriate link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. The link will take you to an on-line form.
  • Complete the form, and click the ‘Submit’ button on the bottom of the form. Your data will be saved and you should receive a confirmatory email with a copy of your data.
  • Expressions of interest will close at midnight on Friday 15th February 2019.



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