In its 9th year, the Crop Protection Forum is coming to Adelaide on Wednesday 6 December 2023.
The Forum provides advisers and industry with regionally focused and up-to-date crop protection information. Participants will hear from Australia’s leading experts in herbicide, fungicide and insecticide resistance. This year’s forum theme is ‘storm of resistance’.
AHRI Director Ken Flower says the forum provided an opportunity for the nation’s leading crop protection researchers to engage with industry and local agronomists on the issues affecting South Australian growers.
“The forum program is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of the latest technological innovations together with new insights into the biology and ecology of pests. Panel discussions will consider solutions to stop escalating resistance as well as the regulatory environment with a focus on South Australian broadacre crops.”
The program includes presentations from key researchers at AHRI, CCDM, Cesar Australia, the University of Melbourne, University of Adelaide and the South Australia Research and Development Institute, as well as leading international institutions including the University of Copenhagen and Colorado State University.
Topics on the agenda include:
- Resistance status updates and emerging problems
- Recent developments in herbicide resistant weeds
- Novel approaches to predicting and monitoring insecticide resistance
- Fungicide resistance status in grain crops
- Considerations for industry – future use of pesticides
- Mapping the weed genome.
The day will include two industry panel discussions with leading grain agronomists discussing local and national issues.
Tickets are $130 for early birds (on sale until October 31) or $160 full price. The ticket price includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a networking event at the end of the day.
More information about the event and tickets are available via the booking website.
Content for this article was sourced from GRDC News, published on the 24th October 2023.