Sustainability in Australian grapegrowing and wine production is going from strength to strength, with the AWRI announcing a single national sustainability program, Sustainable Winegrowing Australia.

Sustainable Winegrowing Australia provides a unified sustainability framework for all Australian grapegrowers and winemakers to demonstrate their sustainability credentials, benchmark performance and identify opportunities for improvements.

Following a global review of the sustainability landscape, the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI), and McLaren Vale Grape, Wine & Tourism Association (MVGWTA), with support from Wine Australia and Australian Grape and Wine, worked together to develop this single Australian sustainability program, building on the strengths of the existing Entwine Australia and Sustainable Australia Winegrowing (SAW) programs.

A smooth transition to the program will be managed by the AWRI, with support from MVGWTA for SAW users. Members of Entwine and SAW will find the transition straightforward, as Sustainable Winegrowing Australia draws heavily on current metrics and resources in a recognisable format.

Sustainable Winegrowing Australia will formally commence on 1 July 2019. As such, 2018–19 represents the final year of operation of Entwine and SAW as standalone programs, with all users transitioning to Sustainable Winegrowing Australia on 1 July 2019.

Sustainable Winegrowing Australia will be managed day to day by the AWRI, overseen by a steering committee comprising representatives of Australian Grape & Wine, Wine Australia and the AWRI, and advised by an industry advisory group made up of program users, regional representatives and other key stakeholders.

The support of the South Australian Government through PIRSA of the SAW program and outcomes achieved to date is also gratefully acknowledged.

Frequently asked questions regarding the program changes can be accessed on the AWRI website. For more information about Sustainable Winegrowing Australia please contact AWRI Senior Viticulturist Dr Mardi Longbottom on 08 8 313 6600 or


  • June 2019: transition of members from Entwine Australia and SAW to Sustainable Winegrowing Australia
  • 30 June: closure of Entwine Australia and SAW
  • 1 July: Sustainable Winegrowing Australia launches

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