Applications are open for an ARC grant funded PhD scholarship titled ‘To what extent does Australian food policy consider its health impact?’.
This ARC funded PhD scholarship is to conduct research as part of an ARC Discovery project which is assessing the extent to which Australian government policy in the area of food and agriculture take account of their health impact. The study will analyse key policy documents and interviews with policy actors from government, academic and non-government organisations. Our analysis will be guided by theories from political science and the social and commercial determinants of health. The project findings will inform the development of healthy public policy. The successful PhD candidate will work with Professor Fran Baum and Dr. Matt Fisher at Stretton Health Equity, University of Adelaide and Professor Dora Marinova, Curtin University to determine the exact focus of their research. The successful applicant will be based with the vibrant Stretton Health Equity team which offers an extremely collegiate and supportive research environment.
Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are acceptable as candidates for a PhD degree at the University of Adelaide.
The scholarship will be for a maximum of 3 years and has a stipend of $32,500 per annum. There are no additional allowances. It is likely to be tax exempt, subject to Taxation Office approval.
Contact Person: Professor Fran Baum
School of Social Sciences, Stretton Institute
Tel: (08) 8313 5465
For more information and to apply, visit: