To coincide with the recent Waite visit of London-based Professor Barry Smith, a philosopher of language and mind specialising in the area of multisensory perceptions of flavour, the Waite Research Institute and School of Ag, Food and Wine hosted a public event at Urrbrae House combining wine and sound.

The event consisted of an experiment led by Jo Bursynska, a sonic artist with a passion for wine now combining these interests in her PhD studies, with participants tasting a series of five wines as they listened to a sounds of different timbre. Following a summary of the results, Jo, Barry and Sue Bastian, the University of Adelaide’s wine sensory group leader then joined forces for a fascinating panel discussion.

Members of the public with an interest in wine science, winemakers, local staff and HDR students were present for this special event, which generated keen interest.

To listen to the audio of Barry Smith’s WIC seminar, delivered earlier the same afternoon, please go to


Participants at the Wine & Sound multi-sensory event at Urrbrae House

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