In June Professor Mike Brooks, Provost and Vice President of The University of Adelaide, outlined plans to reposition and expand the remit of the Waite Research Institute – the University’s internationally recognised flagship for Agriculture, Food and Wine research. The Institute’s new Director, Professor Matthew Gilliham, is pleased to announce a new funding round to initiate this change.

To stimulate new collaborations and activity across the spectrum of agricultural research, the WRI is launching an open call for agri-food and wine related research projects across the University (including affiliates) in any related area (economics/trade/agribusiness, geography, social sciences, environmental and engineering/ag-tech focused projects, soils, entomology, pest and disease, plant and animal sciences).

Interdisciplinary research projects are particularly encouraged, to support agri-food and wine-related researchers in developing new areas of engagement, synergy and activity. Groups and individuals from all these areas are encouraged to apply.

A total pool of $250K will be available to seed-fund both small and large projects that will lead to bigger initiatives and new external funding. To apply for this WRI funding, please forward an application using the linked pro-forma below to, by the deadline of 5pm on Friday 30 August 2019.

Applications must not exceed two pages (11 pt Arial minimum, with 1.27cm margins).

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