CSIRO and Guildhouse are delighted to present Cedric Varcoe’s Artist in Residence mural on the grounds of the CSIRO Waite Campus as part of Tarnanthi Festival.
Please join us with the artist for the launch of the mural and reveal of the name at the CSIRO Waite Campus on Friday October 29, 3pm, with a Smoking Ceremony from Michael Kumatpi Marrutya O’Brien and Acknowlegment of Country by Kylie O’Loughlin, both of the Kaurna (Adelaide Plains) and Narrunga (Yorke Peninsula) people, and an introduction from Nici Cumpston, Artistic Director Tarnanthi.
Celebrating the relationship between indigenous knowledge and scientific research Cedric Varcoe’s mural demonstrates the shared conversations around soil health and land use. Hear from the artist in conversation with project lead Dr. Nina Welti, CSIRO Scientist. Situated within the staff meeting place on campus, staff’s own paintings created in a workshop that informed Cedric’s mural will also be on display.
Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided with single serve covid safe bush tucker food by Indigenu catering. Please RSVP for the event for catering purposes.