The Grosset Gaia Fund was established in 2009 and is a capital fund which donates its income to charitable organisations supporting youth, arts and the environment.  Jeffrey Grosset is an alumnus of the University of Adelaide (Roseworthy 1983), is a Director of the Grosset Gaia Fund and owner of Grosset Wines.  The Grosset Gaia Fund is committed to creating transformational change through education.

We are seeking expressions of interest from students considering study towards a PhD (or Masters) degree in the chemistry or sensory development of wine under new and different bottle closure systems. One scholarship will be available to students enrolling in a Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy (Research Program) within the School of Agriculture, Food & Wine at the University of Adelaide.  The successful applicants will be selected on the basis of academic merit, interest in the research and demonstrated leadership experience within their community.

The value of this supplementary scholarship is $18,750 up to three years, apportioned at $4,000 stipend and $2,250 operating per annum over three years (for a PhD student) OR $6,000 stipend and $3,375 operating per annum over two years (for a Masters student).

The successful applicant will be required to be undertaking study on a full-time basis and have already obtained a full-time scholarship.

The Grosset Gaia Fund Postgraduate Scholarship must be taken up in the year in which it is offered; acceptance of the Scholarship offer cannot be deferred.  If a student declines the Scholarship offer, the Scholarship will be offered to the next eligible student.

The student will be enrolled at The University of Adelaide and be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident of Australia.

Project details can be obtained from Associate Professor Sue Bastian (; Ph +61 8 8313 6647).

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