Applications are invited for the following scholarship leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine.
The scholarship is supported by SAGIT (South Australian Grains Industry Trust), which was established in 1991 to administer the voluntary research levy that has been collected from South Australian grain growers for many years.
Field of Study: Applicants are encouraged to contact the supervisors listed for the individual projects before submitting their applications. The scholarship will be awarded for research on one of the following projects:
- Improving cereal grain quality under water-deficit stress – transgenerational inheritance through microRNAs. Futher information available on the information sheet
- Genomic selection to breed for yield stability in barley. Futher information available on the information sheet
- Characterising the jasmonate hormones in barley, and how they affect beer. Futher information available on the information sheet
- Modulation of nucleotide sugar biosynthesis to enhance the plant defence response and inhibit fungal growth. Futher information available on the information sheet
- Amelioration strategies for acid soils in South Australia’s grain production areas. Futher information available on the information sheet
- Identification of novel salinity tolerance mechanisms in wheat. Futher information available on the information sheet
Eligibility: Applicants must be Australian Citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are acceptable as candidates for a PhD degree at the University of Adelaide.
Stipend: The scholarship will be for three years and has a stipend of $30,000 per annum. It is likely to be tax exempt, subject to Taxation Office approval.
Enquiries: Karen Chance, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, Tel (08) 8313 671
Applying: Application for Admission must be submitted using the Online Application Form please email a summary of your application for admission to Karen Chance with “Application for SAGIT Peter Waite PhD Scholarship” in the subject heading. You can request a copy of your application summary by emailing scholarships with the subject heading ‘Request for application summary’.