This week the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine held their Annual Postgraduate Symposium. This event provides a forum for mid-candidature students to give an update on their research in preparation for the 2016 Annual Review of Progress. It also provides an opportunity for the Waite community to become familiar with the broad range of interesting problems our postgraduates are tackling.
Nearly 40 postgraduate students gave 15 minute presentations on their projects over two days, grouped into themes that broadly align with the School’s research strengths. Sessions were chaired by members of the AgPOGS Committee and other students. The program also featured guest speakers – Ms Denise Riches (CEO of Hindmarsh Valley Dairy) spoke about how diverse a scientific career could be beyond the university boundaries. On the second day, Dr Monica Kerr (Director of Career & Research Skills Training, Adelaide University) presented on the implementation of a new training and development program for PhD students at the University of Adelaide.
Prizes of up to $200 each were also awarded to students in a number of categories including audience contributions. This event was organised by the AgPOGS Committee and the School Postgraduate Committee.
Well done to all the students and congratulations to all the following prize winners.
James Walter, The Application of Precision Agricultural Technologies to a Wheat Breeding Program – Crop Science Society of SA prize for best presentation on Agronomy and Broadacre Agriculture
Bart Van Gansbeke, Development of a protocol for in vitro inoculation of barley roots with cereal cyst nematodes – Australian Grains Technology prize for best presentation on Cereal Research
Matthew Aubert, Molecular and Genetic Characterisation of Early Aleurone Development in Barley – ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls prize for best presentation on Plant Cell Wall Biology
Laura Wilkinson, Identification of molecular cues influencing ovule development in barley – ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology prize for best presentation on Plant Cell Physiology
Erandi Hewawasam, A method for analysing free fatty acids from dried blood spots using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry – FOODplus prize for best presentation on Food and Nutrition
Lieke van der Hulst, Impact of smoke exposure on the chemical composition of grapes – ARC Training Centre for Innovative Wine Production prize for best presentation on Viticulture and Oenology
Laura Wilkinson – Waite Research Institute prize for Best Contribution as a Member of the Audience
Brendan Brown, The What, How and Why of Agricultural Adoption in Africa – AgPOGs prize for Audience Choice
James Walter – The Max Tate prize for Best Overall Presentation