A new export hub has recently been established to help South Australian small to medium food and beverage businesses become export ready and fast track their export growth. The South Australia Food and Beverage Export Hub is a one-stop-export-shop specifically focused on food and beverage manufacturers, processes and producers with fewer than 200 full-time employees.
Food South Australia, with grant funding from the Australian Government’s SME Export Hubs and FTA-ME grant opportunities and funding support from the Government of South Australia, has established the South Australian Food and Beverage Export Hub focusing on eight key export markets: China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, UAE, USA and Vietnam.
“The Export Hub program is conveniently divided into three modules tailored to food and beverage business needs at each stage of their export development process,” explained Catherine Sayer, Food South Australia Chief Executive Officer.
“Informed through previous industry research, Food South Australia has identified common issues for businesses considering exporting and growing their export markets. By working with the eight Export Hub partner organisations, we have designed this program to assist businesses overcome these issues,” Ms Sayer said.
The eight Export Hub partners are: SARDI, The University of Adelaide, TradeStart, AUSVEG-SA and four Regional Development Australia organisations.
“Combining the partners knowledge and experience with key Food South Australia staff based at the Food South Australia offices and in China and Japan, gives the business participants an unprecedented level of access to exporting skills and support.
Participation in the Export Hub is fee-based and all South Australian food and beverage businesses are invited to apply.