Six new PhDs announced by the University of Adelaide strengthen the long-term collaboration with the University of Nottingham, UK.

Under the program researchers wishing to pursue their passion in the area of sustainable agri-food systems for global nutrition will start their work at the University of Adelaide before heading to the University of Nottingham’s campuses in the UK, Malaysia or China.

The two universities have worked closely together since the 1950s on many of the world’s most pressing challenges such as food security, climate change and health and medicine.

In its strategic plan Future Making, the University of Adelaide has identified food security as one of its grand challenges.

“Students will have access to the research strengths of two globally leading research-intensive universities, the University of Adelaide and the University of Nottingham,” says the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Adelaide Professor Peter Rathjen.

“The University of Adelaide, as a truly globalised institution, has the unique potential in South Australia to connect this state to the world and the world to South Australia.”

Both institutions are recognised as being one of the most research-intensive universities in their respective countries: the University of Adelaide is a member of the Group of Eight (Go8) and the University of Nottingham is a founding member of the prestigious Russell Group.

Complementary research profiles are reflected in collaborations in a number of globally important areas. In particular, both universities boast internationally recognised capabilities in agricultural, environmental, plant, animal, food and nutrition sciences, with the University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus being a major collaborating partner of the University of Nottingham’s School of Biosciences .

(L-R): Dr Glen Stafford; Professor Mike Liebelt; Alex Favier, University of Nottingham; Professor Shearer West, Vice-Chancellor, University of Nottingham; Professor Peter Rathjen, Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide; Professor Jacqueline Lo, Professor Ian Fisk,University of Nottingham; Professor Anton Middelberg, Professor Mike Brooks

Professor Ian Fisk and University of Nottingham VC Professor Shearer West tour The Plant Accelerator at the Waite campus

The program is directed by Professor Ian Fisk, Director of Research for the School of Biosciences at the University of Nottingham in collaboration with Professor Anton Middelberg, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Professor Mike Liebelt, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Operations) and Dean of Graduate Studies from the University of Adelaide.

The new PhDs have been announced at the University of Adelaide, during a visit by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, Professor Shearer West.

“This program offers students a fantastic opportunity to fast-track their international career,” says Professor West.

“By joining the program, they will gain an international outlook and build a diverse network of contacts which is essential in today’s globalised job market.”

In addition to the six new PhDs announced, there are currently 20 PhD students on the four-year program, who each spend 12-36 months researching at each university.

Researchers may undertake the new PhDs in a number of different areas: future foods and food production systems; food science and nutrition; food process engineering, agtech and biotransformation; livestock productivity, health and welfare; novel food platforms such as space agriculture and astrofood; novel protein sources and global markets, future consumers and food systems and food policy.

The unique collaboration between the two universities has also resulted in a Doctoral Training Award from the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to the University of Nottingham, in which students from the UK are pursuing research into the novel fields of astrofood, astropharmacy and astromedicine at the University of Adelaide.

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