Congratulations to Associate Professor Stuart Roy, Associate Professor Bettina Berger and Associate Professor Matthew Tucker from the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine and Waite Research Institute, who were recently awarded funding through the ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) scheme.

The project, a collaboration across the University of Adelaide as well as other institutions, aims to establish two unique facilities that aid evaluation of genetically modified or gene edited crop plants and grain. The first, a state-of-the-art field site, expects to reduce biotech field trial costs by 10–100 times with remote sensors, phenotyping platforms, and capacity for environmental manipulation to reduce risk and simulate a broad range of field conditions. The second aim is to provide commercial grain processing to improve nutrition and quality analysis. Expected benefits and outcomes include accelerated translation of fundamental research findings to commercial breeding programs, novel applications for computer vision and machine learning in remote agriculture, and enhanced training opportunities for researchers.

Researchers involved in the project include: Associate Professor Stuart Roy (UoA, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine); Associate Professor Alexander Johnson (UoM); Associate Professor Bettina Berger (UoA, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine); Associate Professor Matthew Tucker (UoA, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine); Dr Jesse Beasley (UoM); Associate Professor Kate Howell (UoM); Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi (UoA, School of Computer Science); Professor Robert Furbank (ANU); Professor Ulrike Mathesius (ANU); Dr Caitlin Byrt (ANU); and Dr Noune Melkoumian (UoA, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering). 

Read the media release and learn more about infrastructure, equipment and facilities being funded by the ARC through the LIEF scheme here.


Associate Professor Stuart Roy

Associate Professor Bettina Berger

Associate Professor Matthew Tucker

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