Inspiring SA is inviting applications for funding to develop and produce a Science-Arts Project.
The aim of this grant is to support the arts and STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine) coming together to tell locally relevant STEMM related stories to the wider community and/or to explore locally relevant STEMM related issues. This grant round is not looking for business as usual projects, but instead looking to support new ideas and collaborations between science, technology, engineering, maths, medicine and the arts.
Grants of up to $7500 are available for the development and production of a science engagement or communication project that links at least two organisations, including at least one STEMM and one arts organisation or individual practitioner. The outcome(s) may take the form of a performance or series of performances, film, augmented reality, virtual reality, gaming, photography, music or an installation or a combination of more than one. The project must be completed by no later than 31 March 2023.