This workshop will guide attendees in the implementation of a common analytical pipeline in both Nextflow and Snakemake, demonstrating the core concepts of both workflow managers while providing a means to compare and contrast the two.
Life science researchers with command line experience using bioinformatics workflows in their research are particularly encouraged to attend.
The workshop will be delivered in two four-hour sessions:
Dates: Wednesday 25 September 11:30 – 3:30 and Thursday 26 September 11:30 – 3:30
Location: Room 450, Braggs Building, North Terrace, University of Adelaide.
Come join the group at the University of Adelaide on 25-26 September to hear from expert lead trainers and undertake hands on tutorials.
This workshop is free, however registrations are essential as places are limited.
More details are on the registration page: and the attached flyer, or via email to:
Presented by the Australian BioCommons / EMBL-ABR & the University of Adelaide Bioinformatics Hub