grdc-stacked-logoThe Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) invests in scholarships at tertiary institutions to develop highly trained and motivated researchers and extension specialists to drive innovation in the grain industry. The two types of these scholarships are on offer are explained below. The GRDC accepts and assesses applications for these scholarships through an open tender process once a year in October.

For more information, go to the GRDC website

Grains Industry Research Scholarships (GRS)

Grains Industry Research Scholarships are available to undertake post graduate research in areas of priority for the GRDC and the Australian grains industry. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of the:

  • academic excellence of the applicant,
  • relevance of proposed research to GRDC priority, and
  • evidence of industry contribution/involvement.

To be eligible for a GRS, applicants must secure a base University scholarship such as the Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) or equivalent. Only those students who are successful in gaining a base scholarship will be considered eligible for a GRS. The GRDC will provide successful applicants with a tax free top-up stipend of up to 75% of their base scholarship in addition to an annual operating budget up to $10,000 (exc GST).

The broad priority areas for awards starting 2017 are:

  1. Field-based crop physiology
  2. Environmental response in grain crop production
  3. Increasing diversity of farming systems
  4. Overcoming soil constraints to crop productivity
  5. Disease, pest, weed management
  6. Field-based high-throughput phenotyping in pre-breeding and breeding
  7. Automation of on-farm processes in broadacre grain production
  8. Statistical methods and modelling in crop improvement (breeding and
    pre-breeding) and production
  9. Climate studies in forecasting and application

Candidates interested in these awards are to apply through their supervisors.

Undergraduate Honours Scholarships (UHS)

Undergraduate Honours Scholarships are awarded to support graduates who wish to pursue an honours year of research in areas that contribute to development and/or adoption of innovation in the Australian grains industry. General areas of interest are agronomy, soils, plant/crop physiology, farming systems, statistics, genetics, breeding, climate studies, diseases, pests, extension, and IT applications in grains production systems.

The award provides a stipend of $12,000 per student during the one-year of study.

Candidates interested in these awards are to apply through their supervisors.

Details of the specific topics in individual priority areas, selection criteria and application process, can be found at the Grains Investment Portal: 

Please also note that:

  1. You will need to register for the Grains Investment Portal. Click on the register button.
  2. Complete the Registration Form. Fill in all the fields and the captcha.
    Your password must be alphanumeric with at least one special character.
    Click register to continue the process.
  3. The registration process is complete once you have filled in all the details
    of your record. You can now sign in and apply for funding.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact GRDC on (02) 6166 4500 or via

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