The Sensory Garden is one of a series of thematic gardens in the Urrbrae House Historic Precinct Gardens.
Its purpose is to create a special garden that stimulates different senses and is designed to incorporate plants with captivating colours, textures, aromas and tastes. Within this garden are exciting artworks and plantings which provide a tranquil, informative, humorous and stimulating recreational space for everyone, particularly those with disabilities.
Visitors are often unaware that the hidden garden behind the olive hedge (that runs from Urrbrae House to the Coach House) is a Sensory Garden. Some small signs have been installed in the garden to let people know how they might like to interact with some of the plants and the space.
For example, visitors often don’t notice the fruits on trees (like the persimmons) or forget to stop to look up into the canopy of the trees like the maple and jacaranda. The Callistemons in the garden are a favourite with the lorikeets who we often see and hear in the trees.
Some of the plants in the garden have been planted so you can feel different leaf textures such as lambs ears and the Sandpaper fig tree. In addition, visitors may gently touch plants like the lemon-scented pelargonium and curry plant to experience the wonderful perfumes that leaves can hold.
Many thanks to Shelagh Smith from Garden Activity Signs for supplying our new signs.
We are hoping that visitors of all ages will be encouraged to explore this lovely garden which is also wheelchair accessible.