The Crop Science Society of SA (CSSSA) has long supported the involvement of students in Agronomy and encourages them to present their research through both presentations to Society meetings and publishing in the Society Newsletter. Tony Rathjen a founding member of the CSSSA mentored many students during his tenure at the Waite and involved them in the Society. It is fitting that an award was developed in his name.
The Tony Rathjen Award is designed to encourage students to present their research in a media that is immediately accessible to farmers, as well as to continue his legacy of student participation in the Crop Science Society and the agricultural community.
- Students are encouraged to prepare an article for the Crop Science Society Newsletter. All articles published in monthly newsletters will receive $100.
- The recipient of the main Tony Rathjen Student Contribution will be decided in June and announced at the AGM in July. The student who prepared the best article that highlights excellent agricultural research combined with innovative thinking will be awarded $500. The recipient will present their research at a Crop Science Society meeting.
We encourage students to become affiliated with the CSSSA and make use of the society to assist and publicise their research.

For more information about the CSSSA and the Tony Rathjen Award, please visit: