For the next few weeks there will be a box of Christmas gifts available for purchase at the Beltana/Lirra Lirra café.
This box comes from the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons and it contains cards and gift bags made by homeless men who attend the Centre, as well as toys and small gifts made by women we support through the “Hands of Hope” project and other projects run by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Thailand.
You may like to do your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING by purchasing some of these items:
- Prices are on the articles or on the order sheet next to the box of articles.
- Please write down the item and price on the list provided and place your money in the “money box”.
You will be purchasing gifts that keep on giving as they support the poor and keep people in employment.
We greatly appreciate your support.
Phone Phil Davies (SARDI) if you have any queries: 0427 012 130