Position Vacant – Chair of Board
Adelaide University Childcare Services (AUCS) Inc Chair of Board
The AUCS Board is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified or experienced applicants to fill the vacancy created as a result of retirement of our current long standing Chair.
AUCS is the governing body of, and trades as, the Adelaide Campus Childrens Centre (ACCC) and the Waite Campus Childrens Centre (WCCC).
The Chair is responsible for leadership of the AUCS Board, for facilitating the effective and amicable governance of AUCS by the Board by ensuring strategic oversight of operations of AUCS, and being accountable for meeting the ethical, legal, compliance, and financial obligations of AUCS. The Chair will also provide mentoring and guidance to the two Centre Directors. The AUCS Board meets 11 times per year at either the Adelaide or Waite Campus. This position is for an initial term of three (3) years.
For further information, please download the Position Description. Alternatively, please email aucs@adelaide.edu.au.
If after reviewing the Position Description you feel you have the necessary attributes to be considered for this role please submit your letter of application, for the attention of the AUCS Board, addressing the Attributes in the Position Description and provide a Curriculum Vitae with three (3) references.

Applications close
5.00 pm Monday 17 August 2020