The South Australian branch of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS) photo competition is being held to promote plant pathology in the International Year of Plant Health. The 2020 theme is:
Protecting Plants, Protecting Life
We are looking for:
The aim is to display images of plant pathogens and the damage they create on their host plants. Your image can be from microscopic or macroscopic studies, taken in the lab or field as long as it highlights a plant pathogen.
Judging and Prizes:
The APPS competition judges will select the best entries per category 1) Microscopic and 2) Macroscopic. As entries are received they will be displayed in the Lirra Lirra café, Waite campus. Entries will be voted on by a panel of 3 judges on the WRI research day. Prizes will be awarded in each category:
- First prize $200 plus APPS membership,
- Second prize $100 plus APPS membership
- Third prize $50 plus APPS membership
Where the winner is a member of APPS the membership will be paid for 2021
Judging Criteria:
Finalists will be selected on the clarity with which their photo and caption conveys the plant pathogen and or its infected host (symptoms). Images can be in colour or black and white, but no special effects, manipulation or filters are allowed.
How to Enter:
Image files must be submitted to Pauline Glocke (, contact phone 8429 2289 by 5pm on Friday 30 October 2020. Please also fill out your details on the form over the page and attach to the email.
If your image file is large, we recommend sending it using OneDrive (please contact Pauline), or you may provide entries on a USB to Pauline in person.
All files must comply with the terms and conditions outlined below.
Terms and Conditions:
- You must be a SARDI, CSIRO Waite Campus, UA staff member or student, or Member of the APPS in South Australia to enter.
- Entries must be made by one individual, and up to three per person may be submitted. A separate entry form must be completed for each image submitted.
- Entries must not contain any after effects, filters or editing with the exception of manipulation techniques used in microscopy.
- Entries must be received by 5pm on Friday 30 October 2020. No late entries will be accepted.
- Photos should be submitted in .jpg, .png or .tif format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and size of 1000 px.
- Entries may be used by the APPS for promotional/publicity purposes. This may include, and is not restricted to, on websites, social media, printed material, advertisements, press releases etc. and given to the media. Entrants may also be asked to be involved in additional promotional activities.

Entries close 5pm Friday 30th October 2020
All entries must comply with the terms and conditions outlined on the entry form.