Applications are open for Yitpi Foundation Awards and Grants-in-Aid. 

The name Yitpi is a Kaurna word for seed or soul.

It is recognized that the funds under management have their origin in levies collected from growers in southern Australia, especially South Australia and western Victoria for the variety Yitpi, which is registered under the Plant Breeder’s Rights Act.

The Yitpi Foundation has been established to encourage and promote research and education in the fields of crop science, particularly in relation to the wheat industry in southern Australia; and social science in linguistics of Australian languages and studies of the cultures of Australian Aborigines, particularly in relation to land usage.

The Management Committee will endeavor to make awards or grants in each of the three areas:

  1. Crop science research

  2. Agricultural education

  3. Studies of the linguistics and culture of Australian Aboriginal peoples

Requests for <$15k will have a greater chance of success, but larger grants will be considered. Further, applications which have a high probability of having an impact on the relevant community in the short term will be given more favorable consideration. Applications will be accepted until 24 April 2023.

Read more and apply: Yitpi Awards and Grants

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