The Plant Nutrition Trust invites applications for awards to assist in carrying out a study tour or to attend a conference or such other activity related to the stated objectives.

The Plant Nutrition Trust has been established to encourage and promote research and technology transfer in the areas of plant mineral nutrition, root biology, soil fertility, fertiliser and soil amendment technologies and certain abiotic stresses. Related topics in agronomy and plant breeding etc will also be considered.

Awards will be made to promising PhD students, post-doctoral students and early-career scientists working in the areas mentioned above.  

The Awards are administered by a committee consisting of Peter Ryan, Manny Delhaize, Nell Peisley, Alan Richardson and Richard Simpson. Applications are assessed by an independent panel who will consider the applicant’s achievements, research, and their potential for future contributions to plant nutrition and related areas.  The total funds distributed each year is variable. The funds provided to each successful applicant will depend on the number of successful applications, the nature and cost of the activities each proposes to conduct and their potential for other sources of funding.

Applicants must be currently working in Australia and linked with a recognised university or relevant institution.

Applications will close on 30 April 2023. 

Learn more and download application form: Plant Nutrition Trust_Intro and Application

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