Tuesday 3 – Wednesday 4 December 2019
The University of New England (UNE) is proud to host the 2nd AgEd Symposium for Agricultural Educators.
The University of New England is located in the picturesque city of Armidale one hour flight from either Sydney or Brisbane. Registration will open at 8 am on Tuesday 3 December, with a filled day of presentations, an Awards Dinner and conclude on the afternoon of Wednesday 4 allowing delegates to make connecting flights. The symposium brings together the agricultural academic community at Australian tertiary and VET institutions.
Themes of this year’s symposium include:
- Pathways and lifelong learning in agriculture
- Future of residential colleges in agricultural education
- Engaging students as partners
- Embedding technology in agriculture education
- Any other issue facing agricultural education
We have coincided our symposium with the Agricultural Teacher Professional Development course. We are running a panel discussion regarding the school to university transition and encourage information sharing between secondary and tertiary teachers.
Following on with the ‘residential college’ theme we have organised accommodation in our residential colleges for $65 per night, there is also a wide variety of hotel style accommodation in the city.
We anticipate the cost of the symposium will be $150 per person + dinner, but will confirm costs once sponsorship is confirmed.
If you would like to sponsor this event dedicated to education in Ag please contact my colleague Skye Creevey – screeve2@une.edu.au.
The Australian University Agriculture Education Award for Excellence in Teaching awards have opened.
Abstracts have been extended until 19 September for posters and presentations.
For further information please visit: