University appoints internationally renowned plant scientist
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Professor Chen is currently an ARC Future Fellow and a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Plant and Animal Science and has been responsible for visionary leadership in industry-focused agriculture and horticulture research at Western Sydney University since 2011.
He co-led the establishment of the highly successful National Vegetable Protected Cropping Centre in 2017 and the CRC Future Food Systems in 2019.
Professor Chen has received over $25 million in research grants from the ARC, Horticulture Innovation Australia, the Grains Research and Development Corporation and the Australia-India Strategic Research Fund.
His strong partnerships with industry will accelerate the application of discoveries at the recently funded ARC Training Centre for Smart and Sustainable Horticulture and the ARC Research Hub for Intelligent Energy Efficiency in Future Protected Cropping – both of which he is involved in as a Chief Investigator.
“I am sincerely honoured to join the University of Adelaide – a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of Eight research-intensive universities and one of the top one per cent of universities worldwide,” says Professor Chen.
“My connection with the University started in 2006, when I conducted part of my PhD research work at the former Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. I have maintained strong collaborations with University of Adelaide staff and students since then”.
“The University, its School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, and the Waite Research Institute provide an outstanding platform for my team to pursue our goals wholeheartedly in research and educational excellence in agriculture and horticulture.
“I also look forward to contributing to the success of the new Adelaide University – a university for the future.”
Head of the University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, Professor Jason Able, says he is excited to have Professor Chen join the research community at the Waite campus.
“Professor Chen comes to the University of Adelaide with a wealth of knowledge in discipline areas, including protective horticulture and broad-acre cropping, which are strategic areas of interest for the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine,” Professor Able says.
“As we continue to break new ground in fundamental agricultural and horticultural sciences, and engage deeply with our industry partners, I am looking forward to working with Professor Chen to ensure that we create additional knowledge and value that will deliver innovation, build resilience and identify value-added solutions to enhance the profitability of the broader industry.”
University of Adelaide Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Performance), Professor Laura Parry, says Professor Chen’s appointment was made through the Investing in Top Talent program, which has bolstered the University’s skill and expertise base in several key fields of research.
“I am thrilled to welcome Professor Chen to the University. With his outstanding research track record and experience, Professor Chen is an example of the top research talent the University is attracting to South Australia to achieve its goal of building a more sustainable future for the agriculture sector in Australia and around the world,” Professor Parry says.
Professor Chen will commence with the University of Adelaide in May 2025.
Media contact:
Professor Zhonghua Chen, Professor in Plant Physiology, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide. Phone: +61 0466 544 696
Professor Jason Able, Head of School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide. Phone: +61 0459 841 586, Email:
Johnny von Einem, Senior Media Officer, University of Adelaide. Phone: +61 0481 688 436, Email: