Embark on a Musical Journey: The Centennial Story of the Chinese Fiddle
Join us for an enchanting exploration of the Erhu (Chinese Fiddle), tracing its fascinating evolution from its origins to the present day. This immersive experience is more than just a concert; it’s a cultural bridge that widens your musical horizons. Dive into the rich legacy of the Erhu, spanning a century and influencing music and culture.
Experience “A Centennial Story of the Chinese Fiddle” – a transformative event that seamlessly blends music and culture. You’ll leave with a deeper appreciation for the Erhu’s significance and a renewed passion for the universal language of music.
一張椅子, 一把二胡。在聲音發出的那一刻, 隨即把我們拉回到屬於自己熟悉的時空。
松香在弓與弦之間揚出的粉末, 講述著這一百年來屬於二胡它自己的故事。
在光影交錯的年代, 我們用最單純的語言, 最純樸的聲音重新呈現出它的風華。
讓我們一起靜下心, 翻開二胡的百年故事。