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Reproducible Research and Advanced Data Skills workshop – Hybrid

Jun 18, 2024, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Introducing some more advanced features of R including reporting with Quarto, and some powerful tools for data manipulation and summaries.

Ultimately, when you analyse a data set, someone wants a report from it, be it your boss, a funding body, or published research. And when it comes to publications, there is a push for “reproducible research”. In this workshop, we examine what reproducible research means, and how R can enable you to easily turn your data into reports and papers. We will also cover some more advanced R skills around data manipulation and graphics.

What does this workshop cover?

  • Introduces Quarto and report preparation with R, which brings together a report on the design, analysis and graphical presentation in a consistent, all-in-one and reproducible way. This will greatly improve the efficiency of your reporting.
  • Data manipulation techniques are covered to improve efficiency in data handling.
  • We also cover working with date-times in R.

Why should you do this R course?

  • The Biometry Education Initiative, provided by the AAGI project, was developed to tailor to the needs of researchers in the Australian Grains Industry.
  • We don’t assume any statistical background, or bombard you with complicated formulas and equations.
  • The course is run by grains industry researchers, for grains industry researchers. Researchers in other industries are also more than welcome to attend!
  • As always, the course is non-threatening, with plenty of examples and hands-on practice to help you get familiar with the concepts.

What will you get out of it?

  • You will build on previous R skills.
  • You will learn some tools that enable easy reporting through R.
  • You will learn some tips for manipulating your data and getting what you want out of it.
  • Confidence to continue learning and exploring R for yourself


  • Participants are required to bring a laptop with RStudio installed.
  • A basic proficiency with the statistics package R is expected.


Jun 18, 2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:


Biometry Hub Training Team


Biometry Hub meeting room 204, Level 2, Main Waite Building, Waite Campus
Waite Rd, Waite Campus
Urrbrae, SA 5064 Australia
+ Google Map

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