This is a two-day course to be run Tuesday 31st May and Thursday 2nd June 2022 (9:00AM – 5:00PM ACST both days). You’ve designed and run your experiment and collected your data. Now what?
This workshop covers the basic topics in experimental analysis of agronomic experiments. It is intended for researchers working in the field of agronomy with an understanding of the statistical package R and the design of agronomic experiments. In this course we review ANOVA concepts (Linear Models) and learn more complex experimental analysis concepts – Linear Mixed Models – including spatial modelling for the analysis of factorial experiments, blocked designs, and split-plot agronomic experiments. Participants will learn to identify the correct model to use and perform analyses of data resulting from standard agronomic designs using R and ASReml-R and interpret the results.
Maximum number of attendees: 20. Participants are required to have their own computer and should have headphones for optimal online participation.
Students are expected to be familiar with the R statistical software, and have completed the Introduction to Experimental Design course prior to attending this workshop. If you have not completed the Introduction to Experimental Design course, please contact the Biometry Hub (see link below) to discuss options.