by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jan 30, 2020 | AWRI, News
Smoke taint testing will be subsidised for Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island grape growers in the coming weeks to help them decide if they will push on towards vintage. The testing will be done by the Waite campus-based Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) and...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jan 14, 2020 | News, Research stories, University of Adelaide
Water is a precious commodity in vineyards, and soon – thanks to an innovative new research project – growers will be able to account for every drop. Currently, most grape growers schedule irrigation using soil moisture sensing, observing vines for water stress...
by Admin | Oct 17, 2019 | Australian Plant Phenomics Facility, News, Research stories, University of Adelaide, Women of Waite
Republished from the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility blog. Using light as a non-destructive analytical tool – both in the paddock to monitor crops and in the laboratory for trait discovery work – is a rapidly advancing area of technology development. At the...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Oct 17, 2019 | News, Research stories, University of Adelaide
The correct type of cover crop does not adversely affect vine yield and performance, a current research project has found. In fact, in some instances, cover crops have been found to help retain moisture in the soil, increase soil nitrogen, increase soil microbial...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Sep 5, 2019 | News, Research stories, University of Adelaide
Researchers from the universities of Melbourne and Adelaide have trialled a non-invasive model for detecting smoke contamination in grapevines, helping farmers to ensure quality production in increasingly challenging environments.Led by University of Melbourne...