Hybrid StatsPD@Waite meeting
Biometry Hub meeting room 204, Level 2, Main Waite Building, Waite Campus Waite Rd, Waite Campus, Urrbrae, SA, Australia...
Please join us for the next StatsPD@Waite seminar where Daniel Smith from the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, The University of Queensland will present on "Prediction accuracy and repeatability of UAV based biomass estimation in wheat variety trials".
Please join us for the next StatsPD@Waite seminar where Prof Omer Ozturk, Ohio State University, USA will present on "Improving Multiple Comparisons in Block Designs Using Judgement Post-Stratification of Plots".
Please join us for the next StatsPD@Waite seminar where Nicholas Lambert, Biometry Hub, University of Adelaide will present on "An Overview of the NVT Analysis".
Please join us for the next StatsPD@Waite seminar where Huan Zhao, Biometry Hub, University of Adelaide will present on "Accelerated genomic-assisted breeding for safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)".