by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Sep 5, 2019 | Internships, News, Students, University of Adelaide, Women of Waite
Applications invited for a PhD student to join the University of Adelaide on the GRDC Acid Soils project. Around 2.0 M ha of cropping land in South Australia has surface soil acidity (0‐10 cm < pH 5.5) or is considered acid prone. This area is expected to double...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Sep 5, 2019 | AWRI, News
The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) in Adelaide has secured a major infrastructure funding boost from a combination of Federal and State Government sources.Bioplatforms Australia, which manages investment funding through the Australian Government’s National...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Sep 5, 2019 | News, Research stories, University of Adelaide
Researchers from the universities of Melbourne and Adelaide have trialled a non-invasive model for detecting smoke contamination in grapevines, helping farmers to ensure quality production in increasingly challenging environments.Led by University of Melbourne...