by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 11, 2019 | News, University of Adelaide, Women of Waite
Waite researchers will share in $4.7 million funding awarded under Round 4 of the Rural R&D for Profit program by the Department of Agriculture to investigate novel technology and practices for optimising pollination in protected cropping environments.Led by Hort...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 9, 2019 | News, University of Adelaide
A new ARC Linkage Project led by Professor Rachel Burton has received $486,000 in funding to establish a new Australian breeding program for Plantago ovata, to provide a reliable supply of high quality, superior psyllium – which is used as a dietary fibre supplement...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 9, 2019 | News
Do you know any early-career researchers who have peer-reviewed results, a discovery, or an invention that has received little or no media attention? Please nominate them for Fresh Science, the national competition that helps early-career researchers find, and then...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 5, 2019 | News, Women of Waite
The Winnovation Awards showcases and celebrates the successes of female innovators changing the game in South Australia. These Awards also recognise businesses who support our state’s innovative women.Winnovation winners are women who live, work and play in...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 5, 2019 | News, SARDI, University of Adelaide
The SA State Committee of the Crawford Fund has awarded four scholarships to attend the Crawford Fund Parliamentary Conference “Weathering the Perfect Storm: Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Change Nexus” and associated Scholars’ Program, Canberra,...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 4, 2019 | CSIRO, Internships, News, Students, Women of Waite, Work Experience
STEM Professionals in Schools is a national volunteer program run by CSIRO that facilitates partnerships between schools and industry to bring real STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) into the classroom. They are looking to increase the diversity of...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 4, 2019 | News, WheatHub
Associate Professor Stuart Roy has been officially appointed Director of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Wheat in a Hot and Dry Climate here at Waite, taking over from previous Director, Dr Delphine Fleury. Stuart gained a BSc (Hons) in Plant...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Jul 1, 2019 | News, Training Centre for Innovative Wine Production, University of Adelaide, Women of Waite
The Waite community has featured among the finalists for the 2019 South Australian Science Excellence Awards, which recognise and reward outstanding scientific endeavour and application in industry and the advancement of science and mathematics education....