by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 9, 2016 | News, University of Adelaide
University of Adelaide researchers are rethinking plant breeding strategies to improve the development of new high-yielding, stress-tolerant cereal varieties. In a paper published today in the journal Trends in Plant Science, the researchers say small gene-regulating...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 5, 2016 | News, University of Adelaide
Waite research has featured among the finalists for the 2016 South Australian Science Excellence Awards, which recognise and reward outstanding scientific endeavour and application in industry and the advancement of science and mathematics education. Two programs...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 4, 2016 | News, University of Adelaide
A joint University of Adelaide-Shanghai Jiao Tong University study has provided the first broad picture of the evolution and possible functions in the plant of pollen allergens. Published in the journal Plant Physiology, the researchers believe their work may help...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 4, 2016 | ACPFG, AWRI, CSIRO, News, Plant Energy Biology, University of Adelaide, WRI
Around 150 people from across the Waite and beyond attended the inaugural Waite in the Spotlight event on Friday 29 July. The afternoon comprised a series of TEDx-style presentations celebrating the diversity of research at the Waite and exploring how microbes can...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 4, 2016 | AGRF, News
The Australian Genome Research Facility (AGRF) welcomed Dr Irene Kourtis as its new chief executive officer last month. Based in their head office in Melbourne, Dr Kourtis visited Waite on Friday July 29 to meet with staff here at the AGRF Adelaide node. AGRF is...
by Lieke Van Der Hulst | Aug 2, 2016 | Historic Precinct
We are delighted to welcome Erica Boyle to the Waite Arboretum team as our Arboretum Officer and Volunteer Coordinator for the Waite Arboretum, Urrbrae House Gardens and Waite Conservation Reserve. Until the end of December 2016 Erica will be working 11 hours / week...